Car Fire blankets
The most efficient way to isolate and extinguish car fires, even in electric vehicles.

任何汽车火灾都是危险和有毒的。加油站、公路隧道、停车场或客运渡轮的汽车起火可能是一场灾难。Bridgehill 汽车防火毯使您能够在几秒钟内控制汽车火灾中的火焰、烟雾和有毒烟雾,并在几分钟内将其扑灭。这是可以有效处理电动汽车火灾的解决方案。
Any car fire is dangerous and toxic. A car fire in a gas station, road tunnel, car park or passenger ferry can be a disaster. The Bridgehill Car Fire Blanket enables you to contain the flames, smoke and toxic fumes in a car fire in seconds – and extinguish it in minutes. It’s the only solution that can effectively handle fires in electric cars.
Which blanket is best for you?
Bridgehill Car Fire Blanket Standard
Ideal for spaces with a high concentration of cars, such as parking garages, road tunnels, car ferries and car repair shops.
Size: ± 6x8 m | 19.8 x 26 ft.
Weight: ± 26 kg | 57 lb. 32 oz.

Bridgehill Car Fire Blanket PRO X
Reusable for up to 30 car fires
布里奇希尔汽车防火毯PRO X,可重复使用多达 30 次汽车火灾
Suitable for professional fire fighters and other organizations that may have to deal with multiple fires.

Size: ± 6x8 m | 19.8 x 26 ft.
Weight: ± 26 kg | 57 lb. 32 oz.