南京超翰数控 赛维丨W3 复合型多功能琴柄加工中心
雕刻机 / 南京超翰数控 / 赛维 / 乐器加工 / 非标定制
382位 用户成功获取
主营业务: 机械设备、板材加工设备、开料机、乐器加工设备
雕刻机 / 南京超翰数控 / 赛维 / 乐器加工 / 非标定制
382位 用户成功获取
Mainly used for: wooden guitars, electric guitars, violins and other wooden instruments. Folk
guitar handles, classical piano handles, electric guitar barrels, electric guitar handles and guitars,
the production of various instrument accessories such as fingerboards, violin panels and back
The advantages of the machine: suitable for the production of a variety of high-end musical
instrument accessories. High efficiency, high precision, high safety, good dustproof effect, reduce
dependence on workers, and make the machine replace the demand of labor. The products are
highly praised by customers.